• Research Scientist @ Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States
    Adjunct Professor @ Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States
    Google Scholar, ORCID: 0000-0001-5716-3853 Email: he dot zb at hotmail dot com


    Prior to joining MIT, I was a full professor at Beijing University of Technology, China. As a principal investigator, I have secured funding exceeding $1 million for national-level (key) projects. I have published over 150 academic papers, including 40+ papers in the prestigious journal series of Transportation Research and IEEE Transactions, with total citations >5000, i10-index >70 and H-index >30. Annual citations from 2017 to 2023 continue increasing: 85-229-413-691-740-1034-1132


    I am an IEEE senior member and was listed as World’s Top 2% Scientists (Ranking 147 in Transportation & Logistics). I serve as a Senior Editor for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, a Deputy Editor in Chief for IET Intelligent Transport Systems, an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, a Handling Editor for Transportation Research Records, an Editorial Advisory Board member for Transportation Research Part C, etc.


    I am a passionate researcher who focuses on and enjoys researching


    Research Interests

    Over the past 15 years, my research takes systems engineering, operation research, traffic flow theory and modeling as a theoretical basis, extending to three cutting-edge branches:

    • data-driven modeling and intelligent vehicle-empowered congestion solution,
    • learning-based sensing and prediction of traffic congestion and travel demand, and
    • transportation sustainability-oriented optimization.

    Academic Service

    • Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information (in Chinese), Editor-in-Chief
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Senior Editor
    • IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Associate Editor
    • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Editorial Advisory Board member
    • Transportation Research Record, Handling Editor
    • International Journal of Crowd Science, Associate Editor
    • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Associate Editor, 2018-to date: 21st (US), 22nd (New Zealand), 23rd (Greece), 24th (US), 25th (China), 26th (Spain), 27th (Canada),
    • IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Associate Editor, 2024: 35th (Korea)
    • IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Session Chair, 2018, Changshu, China: Special Session on Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Test and Evaluations
    • IEEE, Senior Member
    • IEEE Access, Associate Editor (2017.10-2019.10), Outstanding Award (top 5%)
    • International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, Associate Editor (2021.3-2024.3)
    • IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering, Award Chair (2020-2021)
    • Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, Associate Editor, 2020
    • 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2019, Nanjing, China, Area Editor: Traffic Operations, Control and Management

    Guest Edited Issues

    • Space Weather, Special Issue: Impact of Space Weather Events on Transportation System, 2023
    • IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Modelling, Operation and Management of Traffic Mixed with Connected and Automated Vehicles, 2021
    • Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Special Issue: Shared Mobility and Environment, 2020
    • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Special Issue: Emerging Methods for Data-driven Urban Transportation and Mobility Modeling, 2019
    • Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Special Issue: Methodological Advancements in Understanding and Managing Urban Traffic Congestion, 2018
    • Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Special Issue: Vehicle Sensor Data-based Transportation Research, 2018

    Published Journal Papers

    First-author papers have been published in many journals, including

    • Transportation Research Part A
    • Transportation Research Part B
    • Transportation Research Part C
    • Transportation Research Part D
    • Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
    • Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics
    • ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering
    • Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Transportation Letters
    • Proceedings of ICE-Transport
    • Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
    • International Journal of Modern Physics C, etc.

    Corresponding-author papers

    • Transportation Research Part A
    • Transportation Research Part C
    • Transportation Research Part D
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Transportation
    • Transport Policy
    • Journal of Transport Geography
    • Information Fusion
    • Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
    • Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics
    • IET Intelligent Transport Systems
    • Transportation Research Record
    • International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
    • International Journal of Modern Physics B
    • International Journal of Modern Physics C
    • Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, etc.





  • Publications

    Solo-authored Paper

    • Zhengbing He, Refining time-space traffic diagrams: A simple multiple linear regression model, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(2): 1465-1475, 2024 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Portraying ride-hailing mobility using multi-day trip order data: A case study of Beijing, China, Transportation Research Part A, 146:152-169, 2021 [download] 2022 Key innovation in Transportation Sector, Ministry of Transport, China
    • Zhengbing He, Spatial-temporal fractal of urban agglomeration travel demand, Physica A, 549:124503, 2020 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Cooperative driving and a lane change-free road transportation system, Chapter of IET Book Traffic Information and Control, 2020 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Research based on high-fidelity NGSIM vehicle trajectory datasets: A review. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11429.60643, 2017 [download]
    • 贺正冰,微观交通模型:智能网联化转型与通用驾驶人模型框架,交通运输工程与信息学报,20(2): 1-13,2022 [download]


    • Peihao Li, Geqi Qi, Xuedong Yan, Shuo Zhao, Li Hu, Zhengbing He, Wei Guan, Brain Driving: Personalizing Vehicle Speed with DR-EEG Decoding and Situational Embeddings, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
    • Chen Yang, Xiaolei Wang, Yuzhen Feng, Luohan Hu, Yang Xing, Zhengbing He, A prediction-based forward-looking vehicle dispatching strategy for dynamic ride-pooling, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Diego Morra, Xiaosheng Zhu, Chang Liu, Kyle Fu, Fábio Duarte, Simone Mora, Zhengbing He, Carlo Ratti, Mapping sidewalks accessibility with smartphone imagery and visual AI: A participatory approach, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
    • Feiyang Wang, Chaoying Yin, Ximing Chang, Xinyu Zhang, Zhengbing He*, Exploring the relationship between built environment and bike-sharing demand: Does the trip length matter? Transportation Planning and Technology [download]
    • Kangning Hou, Jia Zou, Fangfang Zheng, Xiaobo Liu, Zhengbing He, On the precise quantification of the impact of a single discretionary lane change on surrounding traffic, arXiv:2407.18557
    • 齐航,王光超*,张运胜,段宏磊,桑金燕,秦端,贺正冰自动驾驶出行服务的公众关切与研究展望—以“萝卜快跑”为例,交通运输工程与信息学报
    • 孙慧倩,景鹏*,贺正冰,汪道歌,徐佳欣,姜乐炜,技术革新对出租车司机职业的冲击:“萝卜快跑”事件下的公众社会认知与情感倾向,交通运输工程与信息学报
    • 刘婧,王扬*,刘冬梅,刘娉婷,贺正冰,基于峰值检测的跟驰瞬时反应时间估计方法,交通运输工程与信息学报


    • Zhengbing He*, Refining time-space traffic diagrams: A simple multiple linear regression model, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(2): 1465-1475, 2024 [download]
    • Wenlong Li, Yi He, Songhua Hu, Zhengbing He*, Carlo Ratti, Planning dynamic wireless charging infrastructure for battery electric bus systems with the joint optimization of charging scheduling, Transportation Research Part C,159 (2024) 104469, 2024 [download]
    • Yifan Fu, Shiquan Zhong, Shuai Ling*, Zhengbing He*, Closing the loophole of vehicle ownership restriction: The impact of non-local vehicle restriction on new vehicle registrations and air pollution, Transportation Research Part A, 185 (2024) 104102, 2024
    • Jinping Guan, Xinyu Du, Jiayue Zhang, Philip Maymin, Emma DeSoto, Ellen Langer, Zhengbing He*, Private vehicle drivers' acceptance of autonomous vehicles: The role of trait mindfulness, Transport Policy, 149 (2024) 211–221, 2024
    • Hang Qi, Ning Jia, Xiaobo Qu, Zhengbing He*, Investigating day-to-day route choices based on multi-scenario laboratory experiments. Part II: A route-dependent attraction-based stochastic process model, Communications in Transportation Research, 4 (2024) 100123, 2024
    • Kunpeng Zhang, Lan Wu, Liang Zheng, Na Xie, Zhengbing He*, Semantic Understanding and Prompt Engineering for Large-scale Traffic Data Imputation using Graph Transformer, Information Fusion, 102 (2024) 102038, 2024 [download]
    • Shouzheng Pan, Shuai Ling, Ning Jia, Yiliu Liu, Zhengbing He*, On the dynamic vulnerability of an urban rail transit system and the impact of human mobility, Journal of Transport Geography, 116 (2024) 103850, 2024 (Best Paper Award, TRB 2024-AMR10)
    • Guangchao Wang, Defeng Song, Juanhua Zhou, Hang Qi, Zhengbing He*, A multi-modal network equilibrium model considering captive travelers and mode correlation, Transportation, 2024
    • Yihao Luo, Ailing Huang*, Zhengbing He, Jiaqi Zeng, Dianhai Wang, Exploring competitiveness of taxis to ride-hailing services from a multidimensional spatio-temporal perspective: A case study in Beijing, China, Journal of Transport Geography 118 (2024) 103936, 2024
    • Haoran Jiang, Zhihong Yao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yangsheng Jiang, Zhengbing He, Pedestrian shuttle service optimization for autonomous intersection management, Transportation Research Part C, 163 (2024) 104623
    • Yuebing Liang, Zhan Zhao, Fangyi Ding, Yihong Tang, Zhengbing He, Time-dependent trip generation for bike sharing planning: A multi-task memory-augmented graph neural network, Information Fusion, 106 (2024) 102294, 2024
    • Zhenghong Wang, Yi Wang, Furong Jia, Fan Zhang, Nikita Klimenko, Leye Wang, Zhengbing He, Zhou Huang, Yu Liu, Spatiotemporal Fusion Transformer for Large-scale Traffic Forecasting, Information Fusion, 107 (2024) 102293, 2024
    • Chao Lia, Xiao-Mei Zhao*, Dong-Fan Xie, Zhengbing He*, Chaoru Lu, Exploring the impact mechanism of communicating information on the perturbation propagation, Transportmetrica A, 24(1):1-34, 2024 [download]
    • Yanyan Qin, Qinzhong Luo, Tengfei Xiao, Zhengbing He*, Modeling the mixed traffic capacity of minor roads at a priority intersection, Physica A,636 (2024) 129541, 2024 [download]
    • Yanyan Qin, Tengfei Xiao, Zhengbing He*, Emissions-reduction strategy for connected autonomous vehicles on mixed traffic freeways, Physica A,653 (2024) 130113, 2024
    • Ning Wang, Xingye Wang, Hai Yan, Zhengbing He, From rectangle to parallelogram: an area-weighted method to make time-space diagrams incorporate traffic waves, Digital Transportation and Safety, 2024, 3(1): 1-7, 2024
    • Yixin Zhao, Baoping Cai, Tao Zeng, Zhengbing He, Yiliu Liu*, Sustainability evaluation of multi-component subsea transmission system considering failure dependence and maintenance activities, Ocean Engineering, 296:116945, 2024
    • Muhammad Zahid, Muhammad Faisal Habib, Muhammad Ijaz, Iqra Ameer, Irfan Ullah, Tufail Ahmed, Zhengbing He, Factors affecting injury severity in motorcycle crashes: different age groups analysis using Catboost and SHAP techniques, Traffic Injury Prevention, 25(3): 472-481, 2024
    • Fang Zong, Renxin Zhong, Wei Ma, Dujuan Yang, Ziyuan Pu, Dong Ngoduy, Zhengbing He. Guest Editorial: Modeling, Operation and Management of Traffic Mixed with Connected and Automated Vehicles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2024
    • Songhua Hu, Kailai Wang, Lingyao Li, Yingrui Zhao, Zhenbing He, Yunpeng Zhang, Multi-crowdsourced Data Fusion for Modeling Link-level Traffic Resilience to Adverse Weather Events, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 112 (2024) 104754, 2024
    • 王正武,陈涛,向健,贺正冰,网联混合交递流环境下高速公路⻋道管理策略及通行能力分析,公路交通科技,41(2):191-202,2024

    2023 [14]

    • Zhengbing He, Mirco Nanni, Luca Pappalardo, Paolo Santi*, Carlo Ratti, Speed Limit: Obey, or Not Obey? arXiv:2307.12189 [download]
    • Hang Qi, Ning Jia, Xiaobo Qu, Zhengbing He*, Investigating day-to-day route choices based on multi-scenario laboratory experiments. Part I: route-dependent attraction and its modeling, Transportation Research Part A, 167 (2023) 103553, 2023. [download]
    • Rongsong Li, Zi Yang, Xin Pei, Yun Yue, Shaocheng Jia, Chunyang Han, Zhengbing He*, A novel one-stage approach for pointwise transportation mode identification inspired by point cloud processing, Transportation Research Part C,152 (2023) 104127, 2023 [download]
    • Jia He, Jie Qu, Jian Zhang, Zhengbing He*, The impact of a single discretionary lane change on surrounding traffic: An analytic investigation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(1):554-563, 2023 [download]
    • Xiuying Xin, Ning Jia, Shuai Ling, Zhengbing He, The effect of the ‘yield to pedestrians’ policy on risky pedestrian behaviors: Is it a ‘two-edged sword’? Transportation Research Part A, 178 (2023) 103870, 2023 [download]
    • Shiyi Wang, Yuxuan Zhu, Zhiheng Li, Yutong Wang, Li Li, Zhengbing He, ChatGPT as Your Vehicle Co-Pilot: An Initial Attempt, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 8(12):4706-4721, 2023 [download]
    • Haoran Jiang, Zhihong Yao, Yangsheng Jiang*, Zhengbing He, Is All-Direction Turn Lane a Good Choice for Autonomous Intersections? A Study of Method Development and Comparisons, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(7):8510-8525, 2023 [download]
    • Yang Yu, Zhengbing He, Xiaobo Qu, On the impact of prior experiences in car following models model development, computational efficiency, comparative analyses and extensive applications, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(3):1405-1418, 2023 [download]
    • Xinke Wang, Jian Zhang, Honghai Li, Zhengbing He*, A mixed traffic car-following behavior model, Physica A, 632 (2023) 129299, 2023 [download]
    • Jingyu Li, Weihua Zhang, Dianchen Zhu, Zhongxiang Feng, Zhengbing He, Quansheng Yue, Zhipeng Huang, Evaluation of driver demand for in-vehicle information: An integrated method combining clustering and multivariate ordered probit model, Journal of Safety Research, 85:222-233, 2023 [download]
    • Xin Gu, Yi Yang, Yunxuan Li, Zhengbing He, Yanyan Chen, Traffic Conflict Analysis at Freeway Interchange Merging Areas: A Joint Model Based on Tobit and Survival Analysis Model, 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2023 [download]
    • 秦严严,肖腾飞,贺正冰*,雾天场景下高速公路通行能力分析及提升策略,交通运输系统工程与信息,23(3):39-47,2023 [download]
    • 秦严严,罗钦中,贺正冰*,网联自动驾驶车辆混合交通流专用道管控方法,交通运输工程学报,23(3):221-231,2023 [download]
    • 于昕曜,朱宁,马延明,贺正冰,考虑异常车次的公交车辆调度计划问题研究,系统工程理论与实践,43(3):910-928,2023 [download]

    2022 [24]

    • Kunpeng Zhang, Xiaoliang Feng, Lan Wu, Zhengbing He*, Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Transformer, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(11):22343-22353, 2022 [download]
    • Liang Zheng, Pengjie Liu, Huimin Huang, Bin Ran, Zhengbing He*, Time-of-day pricing for toll roads under traffic demand uncertainties: A distributionally robust simulation-based optimization method, Transportation Research Part C, 114 (2022) 103894, 2022 [download]
    • Hongsheng Qi, Zhengbing He*, Road Intersection Optimization Considering Spatial-temporal Interactions among Turning Movement Spillovers, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(5): 4291-4304, 2022 [download]
    • Fang Zong, Zhengbing He*, Meng Zeng, Yixuan Liu, Dynamic lane changing trajectory planning for CAV: A multi-agent model with path preplanning, Transportmetrica B, 10(1):266–292, 2022 [download]
    • Ying Lv, Shanshan Wang, Ziyou Gao, Guanhui Cheng, Guohe Huang, Zhengbing He*, A sustainable road pricing oriented bilevel optimization approach under multiple environmental uncertainties, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 16(2):152-165, 2022 [download]
    • Kunpeng Zhang, Lan Wu, Ning Jia, Liang Zhao, Xiaoliang Feng, Zhengbing He*, TSR-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Traffic State Reconstruction with Trajectory Data, Physica A, 591(2022):126788, 2022 [download]
    • Yu Han, Andreas Hegyi, Le Zhang, Zhengbing He, Edward Chung, Pan Liu, A new reinforcement learning-based variable speed limit control approach to improve traffic efficiency against freeway jam waves, Transportation Research Part C, 144(2022):103900, 2022 [download]
    • Xin Zhang, Shiquan Zhong, Shuai Ling, Ning Jia, Hang Qi, Zhengbing He, How to promote the transition from solo driving to mobility services delivery? An empirical study focusing on ridesharing, Transport Policy, 129 (2022):176-187, 2022 [download]
    • Xiuying Xin, Ning Jia, Shuai Ling*, Zhengbing He, Prediction of pedestrians' wait-to-go decision using trajectory data based on gradient boosting decision tree, Transportmetrica B, 10(1): 693-717, 2022 [download]
    • Weimeng Li, Shoufeng Ma, Ning Jia, Zhengbing He, An analyzable agent based framework for modeling day to day route choice, Transportmetrica A, 18(3):1517-1543, 2022 [download]
    • Jincai Huang, Yunfei Zhang, Min Deng, Zhengbing He, Mining crowdsourced trajectory and geo-tagged data for spatial-semantic road map construction, Transactions in GIS, 26:735-754, 2022 [download]
    • Renxin Zhong, Zhengbing He, Andy Chow, Victor Knoop, Special issue on methodological advancements in understanding and managing urban traffic congestion, Transportmetrica A, 18(1):1-4, 2022 [download]
    • Yanyan Chen, Zifan Wang, Haodong Sun, Ye Zhang, Zhengbing He, Analysis of Travel Demand between Transportation Hubs in Urban Agglomeration Based on Mobile Phone Call Detail Record Data, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 148(7): 04022041, 2022 [download]
    • Xiang-Yu Jia, Er-Jian Liu*, Chun-Yan Chen, Zhengbing He, Xiao-Yong Yan*, An interactive city choice model and its application for measuring the intercity interaction, Frontiers in Physics, 10:850415, 2022 [download]
    • Zijian Bai, Lei Yang, Chenyi Fu*, Zhaocai Liu, Zhengbing He, Ning Zhu, A robust approach to integrated wireless charging infrastructure design and bus fleet size optimization, Computers & Industrial Engineering,168 (2022):108046, 2022 [download]
    • Shuai Wen, Xin Gu, Shahd Omar, Xi Jin, Zhengbing He*, Analysis of vehicle driving styles at freeway merging areas using trajectory data, 25th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Macau, China, October 8-12, 3652-3656, 2022 [download]
    • Omar Shahd, Zhengbing He*, Di Liu, Home-based Trips Analysis and Households Travel Behavior Case Study of Nablus City, Palestine, World Transport Convention, 2022 [download]
    • 贺正冰*,微观交通模型:智能网联化转型与通用驾驶人模型框架,交通运输工程与信息学报,20(2): 1-13,2022 [download]
    • 宗芳,李宇暄,贺正冰*,曾梦,基于混行跟驰仿真的CAV专用进口道动态设置方法,中国公路学报,35(7):251-260,2022 [download]
    • 宗芳,王猛,贺正冰*,考虑多车影响的分子动力学智能网联跟驰模型,交通运输系统工程与信息,22(1):37-48,2022 [download]
    • 潘守政,何佳,王凤淇,贺正冰*,双车道异质交通波同步机理解析,公路交通科技,39(4): 140-149,2022 [download]
    • 潘守政,何佳,王英平,贺正冰*,环线对地铁网络弹性的影响研究,交通运输工程与信息学报,20(4):100-110,2022 [download]
    • 齐航,于跃洋,王光超,贾宁,凌帅,贺正冰,策略性交通出行选择行为研究评述:实验经济学方法的应用,交通运输工程与信息学报,20(3): 142-153,2022 [download]
    • 何佳,贺正冰,周雨阳,陈亮,杨松坡,思想政治引领下运筹学资源库建设与正反馈式教改探索,教育教学论坛,5:58-61,2023 [download]

    2021 [18]

    • Zhengbing He*, Portraying ride-hailing mobility using multi-day trip order data: A case study of Beijing, China, Transportation Research Part A, 146:152-169, 2021 [download] 2022 Key innovation in Transportation Sector, Ministry of Transport, China
    • Zhengbing He*, Peng Chen*, Shared mobility: Characteristics, impacts, and improvements, Transportation Research Part D, 97:102960, 2021 [download]
    • Haiyang Yu, Rui Jiang, Zhengbing He*, Zuduo Zheng*, Li Li*, Runkun Liu, Xiqun Chen, Automated Vehicle-involved Traffic Flow Studies A Survey of Assumptions, Models, Speculations, and Perspectives, Transportation Research Part C, 127:103101, 2021 [download]
    • Jie Xiong, Biao Chen, Zhengbing He*, Wei Guan, Yanyan Chen, Optimal design of community shuttles with an adaptive-operator-selection-based genetic algorithm, Transportation Research Part C, 126:103109, 2021 [download]
    • Liang Zheng, Chuang Zhu, Zhengbing He*, Tian He, Safety rule-based cellular automaton modeling and simulation under V2V environment, Transportmetrica A, 17(1): 81-106, 2021 [download]
    • Shu-Qing Li, Yan-Yan Qin, Zhengbing He*, String stability analysis of connected vehicular systems based on car-following model, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 147(8): 04021038, 2021 [download]
    • Kunpeng Zhang, Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, and Liang Zhao, A Generative Adversarial Network for travel times imputation using trajectory data, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 36(2):197-212, 2021 [download]
    • Jinlei Zhang, Hongshu Che, Feng Chen, Wei Ma, Zhengbing He, Short-term prediction of urban rail transit origin-destination flow: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method, Transportation Research Part C, 124:102928, 2021 [download]
    • Jian Wang, Lili Lu, Srinivas Peeta, Zhengbing He, Optimal toll design problems under mixed traffic flow of human-driven vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles, Transportation Research Part C, 125:102952, 2021 [download]
    • Bo Fan, Yuan Wu, Zhengbing He, Yanyan Chen, Tony Q.S. Quek, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Digital Twin Empowered Mobile Edge Computing for Intelligent Vehicular Lane-Changing, IEEE Network, 35(6):194-201, 2021 [download]
    • Lili Lu, Zhengbing He, Jian Wang, Jufeng Chen, Wei Wang, Estimation of lane-level travel time distributions under a connected environment, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(5): 501-512, 2021 [download]
    • Shouzheng Pan, Hai Yan, Jia He*, Zhengbing He, Vulnerability and resilience of transportationsystems A recent literature review, Physica A, 581:126235, 2021 [download]
    • Book: Wuhong Wang, Yanyan Chen, Zhengbing He, Xiaobei Jiang, Green Connected Automated Transportation and Safety. Springer. 2021 [download]
    • 贺正冰*,徐瑞康,谢东繁,宗芳,钟任新,数据驱动跟驰模型综述,交通运输系统工程与信息(20周年纪念特刊),21(5): 102-113,2021 [download]
    • 宗芳,石佩鑫,王猛,贺正冰*,考虑前后多车的网联自动驾驶车辆混流跟驰模型,中国公路学报,34(7):105-117,2021,2024领跑者5000顶尖论文  [download]
    • 齐航,夏嘉祺,王光超,贾宁,贺正冰,考虑出行者习惯与利他性偏好的自动驾驶网约车,交通运输工程与信息学报,19(2): 1-10, 2021 [download]
    • 习金浩,孟峰*,朱凤华,贺正冰,李润梅,吕宜生,基于多核自适应网络的高速公路交通流预测方法,交通运输研究,7(4):1-9, 2021 [download]
    • 李斌,姚恩建,贺正冰,杨敏,刘冬梅,张晓亮,郭宇奇,郭忠,于帅,京津冀城市群多模式客运枢纽 一体化运行关键技术研究,中国基础科学,23(02):23-33,2021 [download]

    2020 [15]

    • Zhengbing He, Wenyi Zhang, Ning Jia, Estimating carbon dioxide emissions of freeway traffic: a spatiotemporal cell-based model, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(5):1976-1986, 2020 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Cooperative driving and a lane change-free road transportation system, Chapter of IET Book Traffic Information and Control, 2020 [download]
    • Book: Ruimin Li, Zhengbing He, Traffic Information and Control, IET, ISBN: 9781839530258, e-ISBN: 9781839530265, Page count: 328, Book DOI: 10.1049/PBTR026E, https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/books/tr/pbtr026e
    • Li Li, Rui Jiang, Zhengbing He*, Xiqun Chen*, Xuesong Zhou*, Trajectory data-based traffic flow studies: A revisit, Transportation Research Part C, 114:225-240, 2020 [download]
    • Dong-Fan Xie, Yong-Qi Wen, Xiao-Mei Zhao, Xin-Gang Li, Zhengbing He*, Cooperative Driving Strategies of Connected Vehicles for Stabilizing Traffic Flow, Transportmetrica B, 8(1):166-181, 2020 [download]
    • Jia He, Zhengbing He*, Bo Fan, Yanyan Chen, Optimal location of lane-changing warning point in a two-lane road considering different traffic flows, Physica A, 540:123000, 2020 [download]
    • Fang Zong, Meng Zeng, Zhengbing He*, Yixin Yuan, Bus-car mode identification: A traffic condition-based random forests method, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(10): 04020113, 2020 [download]
    • Bingfeng Si, Zhengbing He*, Di Liu, Xiaobao Yang, Ziyou Gao. A train operation diagram-based equilibrium model for an urban rail transit network with transfer constraint. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(11): 04020126, 2020 [download]
    • YP Huang, JH Xiong, A Sumalee, N Zheng, WHK Lam, Zhengbing He, RX Zhong, A dynamic user equilibrium model for multi-region macroscopic fundamental diagram systems with time-varying delays, Transportation Research Part B, 131:1-25, 2020 [download]
    • Ximing Chang, Jianjun Wu, Zhengbing He, Daqing Li, Huijun Sun, Weiping Wang, Understanding user’s travel behavior and city region functions from station-free shared bike usage data, Transportation Research Part F, 72:81-95, 2020 [download]
    • Bo Fan, Zhengbing He, Yuan Wu, Jia He, Yanyan Chen, Li Jiang, Deep Learning Empowered Traffic Offloading Intelligent Software Defined Cellular V2X Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11): 13328-13340, 2020 [download]
    • Bo Fan, Zhengbing He, Hui Tian, Dewen Kong, Yanyan Chen, Energy-efficient resource allocation for dynamic priority-based in-vehicle mobile-health communications, IEEE Systems Journal, 14(2):2097-2108, 2020 [download]
    • Jie Xiong, Biao Chen, Xiangnan Li, Zhengbing He, Yanyan Chen, Demand responsive service-based optimization on flexible routes and departure time of community shuttles, Sustainability, 12, 897, 2020 [download]
    • 陈旭,陆丽丽,曹祖平,陈晨,贺正冰,叶晓飞,道路阻抗函数研究综述,交通运输研究,6(2):30-39,2020 [download]
    • 陈艳艳, 李同飞, 何佳, 杨洋, 孙浩冬, 贺正冰,新技术时代城市交通管理与服务研究发展展望,北京工业大学学报,46(6):621-629,2020 [download]

    2019 [10]

    • Zhengbing He, Geqi Qi, Lili Lu, Yanyan Chen, Network-wide identification of turn-level intersection congestion using only low-frequency probe vehicle data, Transportation Research Part C, 108:320-339, 2019 [download]
    • Dongfan Xie, Zhe-Zhe Fang, Bin Jia, Zhengbing He*, A data-driven lane-changing model based on deep learning, Transportation Research Part C, 106:41-60, 2019 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Ying Lv, Lili Lu, Wei Guan, Constructing spatiotemporal speed contour diagrams: using rectangular or non-rectangular parallelogram cells, Transportmetrica B, 7(1):44-60, 2019 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Jia Hu, Brian Park, Michael Levin, Vehicle Sensor Data-based Transportation Research: Modeling, Analysis, and Management, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(2):99-102, 2019 [download]
    • Dongfan Xie, Xiaomei Zhao, Zhengbing He*, Heterogeneous traffic mixing regular and connected vehicles: Modelling and stabilization, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(6):2060-2071, 2019 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Six Questions on Network-wide Traffic Prediction. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10498.63681, 2019.9 [download]
    • Liang Zheng, Chuang Zhu, Zhengbing He*, Tian He, Sisi Liu, Empirical validation of vehicle type-dependent car-following heterogeneity from micro- and macro-viewpoints, Transportmetrica B, 7(1):765-787, 2019 [download]
    • Lishan Liu, Ning Jia, Lei Lin, Zhengbing He*, A cohesion-based heuristic feature selection for short-term traffic forecasting, IEEE Access, 7:3383-3389, 2019 [download]
    • Geqi Qi, Wei Guan, Zhengbing He, Ailing Huang, Adaptive kernel fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm based on cluster structure, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 37(2): 2453-2471, 2019 [download]
    • 马晓威,范博,何佳,陈艳艳,贺正冰,基于车路协同多业务优先级的车载通信退避算法,交通运输研究,5(4):76-88,2019 [download]

    2018 [10]

    • Lei Lin, Zhengbing He, Srinivas Peeta, Predicting Station-level Hourly Demand in a Large-scale Bike-sharing Network: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network Approach, Transportation Research Part C, 97:258-276, 2018 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Lili Lu, Wei Guan, Erasing lane changes from roads: A design of future intersections, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 3(2):173-184, 2018 [download]
    • Lili Lu, Jian Wang, Zhengbing He*, Ching-yao Chan, Real-time estimation of freeway travel time with recurrent congestion based on sparse detector data. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 12(1):2-11, 2018 [download]
    • Wenyi Zhang, Zhengbing He*, Wei Guan, Geqi Qi, Day-to-day rerouting modeling and analysis with absolute and relative bounded rationalities, Transportmetrica A. 14(3):256-273, 2018 [download]
    • Liu Yang, Zhengbing He, Wei Guan*, Shixiong Jiang, Exploring the relationship between EGG and ordinary driving behavior: A simulated driving study. Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2018 [download]
    • Jianmei Liu, Zhengbing He*, Shuaiqi Ma, An N-path logit-based stochastic user equilibrium model, IEEE Access, 6(1):20971-20986, 2018 [download]
    • Shixiong Jiang, Wei Guan, Zhengbing He, Liu Yang, Exploring the inter-modal relationship between taxi and subway in Beijing, China, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 3981845, 2018 [download]
    • Shixiong Jiang, Wei Guan, Zhengbing He, Liu Yang, Measuring Taxi Accessibility Using Grid-based Method with Trajectory, Sustainability,10, 3187, 2018 [download]
    • 金盛,沈莉潇 ,贺正冰*,基于多源数据融合的城市道路网络宏观基本图模型,交通运输系统工程与信息,18(2):108-115,2018 [download]
    • Jingyi Hao, Zhengbing He*. A day-to-day invariant macroscopic fundamental diagrams for probe vehicles, 2018 International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System. Shenzhen, China, 2018 [download]

    2017 [13]

    • Zhengbing He, Zheng Liang, Peng Chen, Wei Guan, Mapping to cells: a simple method to extract traffic dynamics from probe vehicle data, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 32(3):252-267, 2017 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Liying Song, Ning Zhu, A jam-absorption driving strategy for mitigating traffic oscillations, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(4):802-813, 2017 [download]
    • Liang Zheng, Zhengbing He*, Tian He, A flexible traffic stream model and its three representations of traffic flow, Transportation Research Part C, 75:136-167, 2017 [download]
    • Ning Jia, Yidan Zhao, Zhengbing He*, Geng Li, Commuters' acceptance of and behavior reactions to license plate restriction policy: A case study of Tianjin, China, Transportation Research Part D. 52:428–440, 2017 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Visualizing traffic dynamics based on floating car data, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 143:5, 2017 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Research based on high-fidelity NGSIM vehicle trajectory datasets: A review. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11429.60643, 2017 [download]
    • Liang Zheng, Zhengbing He*, An anisotropic continuum model and its calibration with an improved monkey algorithm, Transportmetrica A, 13(6):519-543, 2017 [download]
    • Bingfeng Si, Zhengbing He*, Xiaobao Yang, Ziyou Gao, Data-based sorting algorithm for variable message sign location, Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2645:86-93, 2017 [download]
    • Zhihao Zhang, Yunpeng Wang, Peng Chen, Zhengbing He, Guizhen Yu, Probe data-driven travel time forecasting for urban expressways by matching similar spatiotemporal traffic patterns. Transportation Research Part C. 85:476-493, 2017 [download]
    • Ailing Huang, Guangzhi Zang, Zhengbing He*, Wei Guan, Comparative empirical analysis of five-weighted transit route network in R-space and evolution modeling, International Journal of Modern Physics B. 31(12):1750087, 2017 [download]
    • Xiaolei Ma, Zhuang Dai, Zhengbing He, Jihui Ma, Yong Wang, Yunpeng Wang. Learning traffic as images: A deep convolutional neural network for large-scale transportation network speed prediction, Sensors, 17(4):818, 2017 [download]
    • Wenyi Zhang, Zhengbing He*, Wei Guan, Rui Ma, Selfish routing equilibrium in stochastic traffic network: A probability-dominant description, PLoS ONE, 12(8): e0183135, 2017 [download]
    • Sai Shao, Wei Guan, Bin Ran, Zhengbing He, Jun Bi, Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Charging Time and Variable Travel Time, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 5098183, 2017 [download]

    2016 [4]

    • Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Wei Guan, Baohua Mao. A self-regulation traffic-condition-based route guidance strategy with realistic considerations: overlapping routes, stochastic traffic and signalized intersections, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20 (6): 545-558, 2016 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Wei Guan, Wenyi Zhang, Effectiveness of GRIPs in alleviating traffic congestion, Proceedings of ICE-Transport, 169 (TR3):125-137, 2016 [download]
    • Dongfang Ma, Fengjie Fu, Sheng Jin, Zhengbing He, Fujian Wang, Weiming Zhao, Dianhai Wang, Gating control for a single bottleneck link based on traffic load equilibrium, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 14(5), 2016 [download]
    • Liying Song, Dong Yang, Anthony Theng Heng Chin, Guangzhi Zhang, Zhengbing He, Wei Guan, Baohua Mao, A game-theoretical approach for modeling competitions in a maritime supply chain, Maritime Policy & Management, 43(8):976991, 2016 [download]

    2015 [5]

    • Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Wei Guan, A simple nonparametric car-following model driven by field data. Transportation Research Part B, 80:185-201, 2015 [download]
    • Liang Zheng, Zhengbing He*, A new car-following model from the perspective of visual imaging. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 26(8), 1550090, 2015 [download]
    • Jie Xiong, Zhengbing He, Wei Guan, Bin Ran, Optimal timetable development for community shuttle network with metro stations. Transportation Research Part C, 60:540-565, 2015 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Shuyan He, Wei Guan, A figure-eight hysteresis pattern in macroscopic fundamental diagrams and its microscopic causes. Transportation Letters, 7(3):133-142, 2015 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Ailing Huang, Dongfang Ma, Ning Zhu. A discrete-flow form of the point-queue model, IEEE International Transportation Conference (ITSC), 2015, Spain. [download]

    2014 [4]

    • Zhengbing He, Bokui Chen, Wei Guan, et al., Route guidance strategies revisited: Comparison and evaluation in an asymmetric two-route traffic system. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 25(4):1450005, 2014 [download]
    • Ning Zhu, Yang Liu, Shoufeng Ma, Zhengbing He, Mobile traffic sensor routing in dynamic transportation systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(5):2273-2285, 2014 [download]
    • 贺正冰, 关伟*, 樊玲玲, 关积珍,北京市快速环路宏观基本图特征研究,交通运输系统工程与信息,14(2):199-205,2014 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Liu Yang, Wei Guan. A day-to-day route choice model based on travelers' behavioral characteristics, 9th International Conference of Traffic and Transportation Studies, Shaoxing, 2014. [download]

    2013 [4]

    • Zhengbing He, Wei Guan, Shoufeng Ma. A traffic-condition-based route guidance strategy for a single destination road network. Transportation Research Part C, 32: 89-102, 2013 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Soufeng Ma, Wei Guan, Delays caused by motorized vehicles unable to clear intersections in China: Graphical analysis. Journal of Central South University, 20(9):2614-2624, 2013 [download]
    • 贺正冰, 关伟,面向长周期的交通状态反馈诱导策略,控制与决策,28(7):1046-1050,2013 [download]
    • 贺正冰, 关伟,考虑信号交叉口影响的分散路径诱导策略,北京工业大学学报,39(10):1539-1544,2013 [download]

    < 2012 [7]

    • Jorge Laval, Zhengbing He, Felipe Castrillon. A stochastic extension of Newell’s “three-detector method". Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2315: 73-80, 2012 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Shoufeng Ma, Xiting Tang. Empirical study on the influence of learning ability to individual travel Behavior, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 9(2):75-80, 2009 [download]
    • 贺正冰, 马寿峰, 贺国光,基于仿真实验的城市交通系统宏观现象研究,物理学报,59(1):171-177,2010 [download]
    • 马寿峰, 贺正冰*, 张思伟,基于风险的交通网络可靠性分析方法,系统工程理论与实践,30(3):550-556,2010 [download]
    • 刘建美, 马寿峰, 贺正冰, 贾宁,控制与诱导的协调中路网拥堵状态识别方法,管理科学学报,13(11):35-40,2010 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Ailing Huang. Approximating the minimum distribution of two normally distributed variables each with the same mean and variance. Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2012 [download]
    • Zhengbing He, Shoufeng Ma, Introduction to applications of swarm in transportation research, Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2011 [download]
  • broken image

    From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

    The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

    Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

    — Carl Sagan